The Art of Agile Messaging
Are you being agile with your marketing?
I feel like I’m constantly changing my mind. Not on the core and fundamental values that make up who I am, but more like:
What’s my favorite food?
Which do I like more, Netflix or HBO Go?
What are the chances my family will get COVID?
That last one is morbid, sorry, but I’m no different than the average American consumer. We’re all struggling to figure out how to navigate today’s environment. Do I interact with friends and family, or do I stay away? Do I purchase my groceries online or in store? Should I go see my doc in person or through tele-health? How I’m doing life is changing dramatically and quickly.
So, that makes me wonder, does your messaging provide what your readers need right now?
Introducing: Agile Marketing
Agile marketing isn’t a new concept, but it seems to be a highly relevant idea to reintroduce in the age of COVID. According to the Content Marketing Institute, agile marketing runs on the “80 Percent” rule; get it out there, get it done, and then go back and optimize it. It’s not being afraid to put content out there in a big, consistent way. It’s being visible to your consumers in a more vulnerable and raw way, which can be scary for a lot of brands.
The kicker is, you need strong writing and authentic messaging throughout the entire process. [insert excited copywriter emoji, if one existed]
My biggest copywriting tips (other than good grammar) are:
Write to your readers like you’re writing to your best friend.
Be unapologetically you, while staying true to your brand.
Consistency is key…don’t let your audience forget you’re there for them.
If this seems weird and uncomfortable to you, let me help! Email me and we’ll schedule a time to visit about your agile messaging needs.
A Dating Connection
One quality I pride myself on is truly connecting with people. It’s been a gift that I’ve used for many, many years and has led to awesome friendships and partnerships. I’m always authentic to who I am, yet able to develop trusting relationships with people that I might be completely opposite to, including our core beliefs. As a writer, I know I have to stay true to my brand while connecting authentically with my readers and being sensitive to their situations. I know, it’s like dating, right?? It’s very personal, but in a public way.
If you don’t believe me, listen to Ian Anderson Gray, founder of Seriously Social, a U.K.-based marketing firm:
Marketers need to adapt to this new reality and create brands that behave like humans – approachable and likeable, but also vulnerable. Brands should become less intimidating. They should become authentic and honest, admit their flaws, and stop trying to seem perfect.
If you need to build agile messaging and copywriting into your marketing plans, I’d love to help! Email me to set up a time to discuss.
Have a great week, and please let me know how I can help with your writing needs 🤍.
Thank you!
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