Prose specializes in copywriting, editing, creative writing, and brand messaging.
Stand Out.
Content is hard and typical writing won’t cut it. These days, messaging is everything. You need to come across as authentic, persuasive, and organized, and do it simply. Whether it’s your website, a blog, a radio ad, or a tagline, what is written is important. Let Prose help you find the right words.
Work Smart.
Content takes time. Who has time to create a long blog entry…or write an article about the production process of soap…or comb through your website for errors…or edit a long publication? Well, Prose does. We can take your voice and vision and apply it to your collateral materials/platforms to elevate your message. Let’s tell your story, together.
Brand Consulting, Copywriting, and Content Services
Content Planning
Messaging Strategy
Brand Development Consulting
Media Relations
Media Placement
Marketing Strategy
Digital & Print Ads
Email Marketing
Landing Pages
Sales Pages
Homepage & Website Copy
About Pages
Video Copy & Scripting
eCommerce Product Descriptions
Social Media Captions
Blog Posts
SEO Copywriting
Personal & Business Branding
From starting a new business to creating your new online persona, finding your brand’s authentic identity is a key component to your success in business and in life. Everything that you post or publish represents you and your business, AND it’s going to stay online for a loooooong time. Therefore, it’s a good idea to start the practice of implementing your authentic, personal brand everywhere online. We want to make sure the content that you are sharing with people is what and how you want them to see you.